27 February 2008

The Bigest Google Adsense Money Maker

Posted In: Adsense Success Story , Joel Comm , Shawn Hogan , Shoe Money , Weblog Inch . By hans

The following is a list of the Internet’s eight biggest Google AdSense Money Makers publishers as reported by John Chow. It is interesting to see the big winners. Hopefully you'll all get the benefits from this success story and you'll be the next....|

1: Markus Frind: PlentyOfFish.com - $300,000 per month, the biggest free dating site on the Internet. It has only two employees, as the post said, “Doubts about Makus’s Google earnings were silenced when he posted this $900,000 check from Google. According to Markus’s blog entry, the check represented two months of AdSense earnings.”

2: Kevin Rose: Digg.com - $250,000 per month (guess), one of the biggest news sites on the Net, with over 400,000 members and over 200 million page views per month.

3: Jeremy Shoemaker - $140,000 per month, a search engine marketer who knows how to take advantage of both Google AdSense and AdWords and uses hundreds of sites and thousands of domains, unlike all the others, who have one site.

4: Jason Calacanis: Weblogs, Inc. - $120,000 per month (before AOL) as the post said, “Now that AOL controls Weblogs, you can bet it is making a lot more than a measly $120,000 a month.” His work was covered in Business Blogs: a Practical guide, along with two netwrok blogs, The Office Weblog and The Tablet PC Weblog by Marc Orchant.

5: David Miles Jr. & Kato Leonard - $100,000 per month, gives away designs that people can use on MySpace. Not a bad idea.

6: Tim Carter: AskTheBuilder.com - $30,000 per month, “catering to an avid following of fellow builders on the site.”

7: Joel Comm - $24,000 per month, get rich quick guru who wrote the best selling e-book, What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense.

8: Shawn Hogan – DigitalPoint.com $10,000 per month using a unique revenue sharing model that was not detailed on the post.

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26 February 2008

Tentang Backlink

Tentang Backlink

Backlink, backlink, dan backlink. Kalau ngobrol masalah SEO, pasti kata tersebut ambil bagian.

Banyakin backlink kalau mau dapet ranking bagus di search engine!

Submit ke social bookmark untuk dapet backlink!

Namun sebenarnya, makhluk apa sih backlink itu? Sejenis undur-undur-kah? Atau masih ada hubungannya dengan spesies monyet biru? Bagi yang sudah mengenal jauh tentang SEO tentu akan manggut-manggut saja, tapi bagi newbie, mendengar kata backlink mungkin akan sama membingungkannya dengan pada saat mereka mendengar nama domain “llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwyll-llantysiliogogogoch.com“. Nah supaya gak bingung lagi, mari kita intip bersama sosok sebenarnya dari backlink :)

Apa Itu Backlink?

Bahasa sederhananya, backlink atau tautan balik adalah link atau tautan yang didapat oleh situs kita dari situs lain. Misalnya, situs A memberikan link ke situs B, ini berarti situs B baru saja mendapat backlink dari situs A. Berarti pula, situs B saat ini memiliki 1 buah backlink. Tidak susah kan konsepnya?

Untuk bahasan teknisnya, silahkan baca sendiri di Wikipedia. Saya sih malas, toh gak keluar juga di ujian semester, hehehe.

Macam Backlink

Dari arusnya, backlink dapat dibedakan menjadi 3 bagian:

  1. One-Way Backlink

    Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net

  2. Two-Way Backlink

    Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net

  3. Three-Way Backlink

    Free Image Hosting At ImageCows.Net

Yang pasti menjadi pertanyaan, mana di antara ketiganya yang paling baik? Jawabannya tergantung dari dua skenario berikut ini:

  • Apabila situs yang memberikan backlink sudah terkenal dan memiliki posisi bagus di mesin pencari, maka backlink yang baik adalah tipe One-Way.

  • Apabila situs yang memberikan backlink belum terkenal dan belum memiliki posisi bagus di mesin pencari (atau termasuk dalam dummy blog), maka backlink yang baik adalah tipe Three-Way.

Natural Backlink

Kondisi Natural Backlink atau backlink alami terpenuhi apabila backlink disisipkan dalam konten atau artikel dan dalam bentuk kalimat sehingga terkesan natural. Kebanyakan pemula mengira bahwa untuk mendapat backlink cukup dengan menyertakan link ke situs yang bersangkutan di bagian sidebar, padahal ini tidak tepat dan kurang optimal hasilnya. Selain itu, rawan dianggap sebagai paid link.

Text vs Banner

Satu lagi yang perlu diperhatikan, yang dihitung sebagai backlink oleh mesin pencari adalah link yang berupa teks (atau text link), bukan link yang ada dalam bentuk banner (banner link). Silahkan baca artikel saya yang terdahulu untuk lebih jelasnya.

PageRank vs SERP

Apa sebenarnya tujuan dari mengumpulkan backlink? Menaikkan PageRank? Atau mendapatkan posisi yang baik di mesin pencari? Kedua jawaban tersebut memang benar, namun pada prakteknya ada sedikit perbedaan implementasi.

Untuk menaikkan PageRank, backlink yang kita miliki harus:

  • Berasal dari situs dengan topik sejenis (baca artikel “Tragedi PageRank Update” sebagai tambahan informasi).

  • Berasal dari situs yang PageRank-nya lebih tinggi. Namun tidak ada salahnya mengumpulkan backlink dari situs ber-PR berapapun karena tetap akan diperhitungkan dalam penilaian PageRank.

Sedangkan apabila tujuan kita adalah untuk menaikkan ranking di search engine, maka:

  • Backlink dapat dikumpulkan dari berbagai situs. Tapi tetap saja, utamakan backlink dari situs bertopik sejenis.

  • Backlink usahakan berupa Natural Backlink.

  • Backlink harus menggunakan variasi keyword yang dibidik pada anchor text. Usahakan pula untuk melakukan deep linking atau link ke halaman-halaman lain pada situs yang bersangkutan.

Sumber Backlink

Pokok bahasan terakhir, darimana saja kita bisa mengumpulkan backlink? Atau, bagaimana caranya mendapatkan backlink sebanyak-banyaknya?

Sebetulnya masih banyak lagi, jadi silahkan berkreasi sendiri saja. Yang jelas, HINDARI menggunakan tool-tool yang mengklaim bisa menghasilkan ribuan backlink bagi situs Anda dalam hitungan jam atau hari. Selain tidak efektif, juga 99% berpotensi dianggap spam oleh mesin pencari.

Semoga bermanfaat dan tidak bingung lagi dengan backlink :)

Artikel ini ditulis oleh Cosa Aranda dan pertama kali dipublikasikan pada tanggal 25 February 2008. Artikel bebas untuk didistribusikan ulang untuk keperluan non-komersil selama mencantumkan nama penulis dan sumber artikel serta tidak merubah separuh atau seluruh bagian dari isi.

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18 February 2008

Reaching The Top of Page One In Google In As Little As One Week

When you have the right information, climbing to the top of Google in a very short period of time is entirely within your reach. I am living proof. Two weeks ago, I launched my new website, and now I have multiple listings on page one of the Google search results.

An Empirical Truth

Scientists make their way in the world relying upon empirical truths. For those who are unaware, an empirical truth can be defined as, "verifiable or provable by means of repeatable observation or experiment."

In essence, if you can observe it once, then it is interesting. But, when you can repeat the experiment and achieve the same observations multiple times, then you have evidence of an empirical truth.

>From my own observations, what I am about to tell you is an empirical truth, because I have observed it happen again and again.

The Challenge In Exposing The Truth

Anytime someone writes about how to influence placement in the search engines, the writer faces a difficult choice.

In order to light the path of those who come after the writer, the writer must provide some kind of proof as to how the methods work and what kinds of results the writer was able to achieve using the methods.

Introducing The Quandary

In order to believe my story, many people want to see my keywords so they can personally verify my story by reviewing the Google search results. Although you may not be competing directly with my website and the keywords on which I rank, one can almost guarantee that my competitors may stumble over my tutorial at some point in the future.

In other words, if I told you that I was trying to rank for the keyword "cock-a-doodle-doo", then you (the reader) could validate my results. At the same time, my competitor might discover this article and decide to use my methods and my keywords to outrank my own website in the search engines.

This actually happened to one of my mentors. In a public discussion of these same methods, he had given a bone to the readers of the forum where he was participating in a discussion. Within eight weeks, two of his top competitors held the top two spots for his keyword phrase, and after a five-year run at number one in Google, he suddenly found himself sitting in the number three spot.

So, the question is how I tell my story in a way that will help you to also see the light, without giving away the light bulb...

Have A Little Faith In Those Who Are Looking Out For You

Some of you may choose to have faith in the story that I tell. Others will choose to deny my methods, on the principle that they cannot see my results for themselves.

All I ask is that you have a little faith in my story. Then run your own test. Your test will not require a major investment, but when you see your website climbing from nowhere to somewhere in the Google results, you will be glad that you took my story on a little bit of faith.

Some Background

One of my mentors, Bill Platt, has been telling me about these methods for years. But to be honest, the picture just was not clear in my brain, for longer than I would care to admit.

Now and again, I would read something by one of the Internet gurus, and they would tell that they used these methods themselves. When the really rich people on the Internet tell you something about how to perform well on the Internet, it has always been my position that you should listen. I listened; well, I mostly listened anyway.

I hooked up with Bill shortly after having been told the importance of article marketing. Bill seemed to have the answers concerning the article-marketing model, having been in the business himself for a number of years, through his website (http://www.thephantomwriters.com).

Bill always told me that writing articles was about generating traffic and sales from the placement of my articles in ezines. He had also told me that if I played the game right, I could even benefit the rankings of my website in the search engines.

I started using Bill's article distribution service to put my articles into circulation.

Bill had also advised that his clients, who get the greatest benefit from article marketing, use multiple systems to distribute their articles. He advised that Willie Crawford (http://www.gitofftheporch.com) was one of the Internet guru's who used more than one distribution service to put his articles into the wild.

Bill said that using more than one service was a good thing, because most article distribution services have their own unique reach, enabling the writer to get published in more ezines and on more websites. He emphasized that the goal should be to get as many people to your website as possible, using your articles as a method for introducing the reader to your website.

Beware Of Your Own Smartness

After using Bill's article distribution services for a few months, I had the privilege of reading John Reese's Traffic Secrets (http://www.trafficsecrets.com). John offered many useful tips for a successful online business, but one piece of advice he offered I implemented immediately.

John emphasized the importance of tracking our results. He said that in order to see what is successful, we must have a method in place to enable us to track where our traffic came from. Suddenly, I realized that although I knew that my website had been driving a lot of traffic, I had really no idea where that traffic was coming from or its cause.

Let me clarify that a bit. I knew that most of my traffic was coming from the large numbers of articles that I had distributed through Bill's service and the service of one of his competitors (http://www.isnare.com). But, I did not know which articles were generating the bulk of my traffic.

So, I followed John's advice and bought a software package designed to help me track my results (http://www.dynatracker.com). Then, I told Bill that from that day forward, we would need to use tracking URL's with all of the articles I distributed through his service.

Bill agreed that tracking was important, but he suggested that there are better ways to track results than the one I was proposing. I listened to John, but I did not fully listen to Bill's advice. Looking back, I kick myself daily for not listening to Bill in that one moment.

Tracking Your Article Results

Bill had always told me that using the Dyna Tracker was a good product for tracking my results, but it had an inherent problem. That problem is that I would be passing the search engine Link Value from my articles to my tracking software and not to the individual pages of my website.

If only I would have listened... I ran a full-year worth of articles with the Dyna Tracker links in my resource boxes. While Bill was telling me to dump the Dyna Tracker links, I was busy praising the value of the data I collected from the software.

One Test Blew My Mind

On one of my regular phone calls with Bill, I told him that I was launching a new website to complement what I was already doing. I asked Bill if he had any recommendations that he would give me on the new site.

Bill told me that I would not like his answer, but if I wanted to hear it, he would tell me.

I have to be honest, a knot formed in the pit of my stomach as I braced for his comments.

He told me that I should get back to basics. He told me that I already knew from experience that articles would help me to drive traffic to my website. I did know that. Bill recommended that I do two articles per week for twelve weeks. I have done that before, so I knew that I could get good results from that advice. He told me to use more than one article distribution service to put those articles in the wild. I followed that advice as well.

Then Bill got to the stomach punch. Bill told me to throw away my Dyna Tracker and provide direct URL links to my website. He also told me to keyword some of those links to my website, for the purpose of influencing my search placement for those keywords.

He told me to test the idea and to measure my results in just a few weeks. He told me if the methodology did not work for me, then I could start using my Dyna Tracker again.

He also suggested that I should use his Link Building system to develop 100 inbound links to my website, targeting the keywords that I felt would be important to my business. (http://www.linksandtraffic.com) I figured it was worth a try. Bill had never led me astray before, and I did not expect he was doing so then.

The Results

Within just a few weeks, I was getting a good amount of traffic to my new website. Strangely, I found that I was getting far more traffic from the search engines than I ever had before, yet the website was almost brand new! That just flew in the face of that sandbox theory we all hear about.

So, I started testing the keywords that Bill targeted in his linking job on my behalf. Wow. I found my brand new website sitting in the #12 spot in the Google search results on a two-word keyword that is actually pretty competitive. I also found the keywords we targeted in the campaign sitting in the #1, #1, and the #3 spot in the Google search results. I also found many page one results in the Yahoo search results as well.

Cock-a-doodle-doo! The light bulb went on, finally.

Then two weeks ago, I started another new campaign for my newest website. Within 24 hours of completing that website, I had distributed my first article promoting the website. Within 8 days of releasing that site to the public, I also had page one and page two listings for a wide range of keywords that I have so far targeted for my new website.

When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do

I mentioned three of my favorite teachers in this article: Bill Platt, Willy Crawford, and John Reese. I felt all three needed a mention, because all three have taught me things that have helped me to make money online. If you would like to learn from their expertise yourself, just Google their names.

The most important thing that I have learned since starting my website is that if I want to get rich online, I need to listen to those who are already making money online.

My hope is that you will listen to them too, so you can join us at the top.

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Question: How to Get 1000 Targeted Visitors to Your Site Every Month for Free?

Are you interested in driving killer targeted website traffic?

Are you confused as to what to do to get traffic rushing and swimming all over your site?

Your site is finally ready, now all you need to do is drive crazy traffic rushing into your site to make all the sales and money you have ever dreamed of.

If you want to drive tons of visitors to your site interested in purchasing your products and services, make sure you apply these 4 steps every single day in your internet marketing plan.

These 4 steps gets me around 1000 visitors to my site every single month absolutely FREE.

Step 1 - Email Marketing.

Step 2 - Social Networking.

Step 3 - Forum Marketing.

Step 4 - Article Marketing.

The purpose of this article is to show you the exact steps that I am personally using to market my website and drive killer targeted website traffic.

Lets get down into dirty internet marketing tactics...

Step 1 - Email Marketing.

If you want to build relationship with your potential clients this is one of the best tactics to use.

Send quality content and offers to your list on regular basis and make sure you help them.

If you win their hearts they will respect you as an expert in your niche and will purchase your products and services.

Next step will show you how to use social networking and web 2.0 sites to promote your website.

Step 2 - Social Networking.

Social networking sites like MySpace, Friendsters, Facebook, etc can help to drive crazy traffic to your website.

The process involves creating quality attractive profiles so that you can attract more people into your network.

More people into your network, more people you will have to advertise your products and services.

Next step will show you how to use forums to boost up your website traffic and drive instant visitors all day long.

Step 3 - Forum Marketing.

Signup with forums in your niche. Then post answers to questions out there.

This will help you to build your credibility and people will respect you as an expert in your niche.

Secondly you will be allowed to place an ad below your post, so more traffic will start rushing to your site.

Next step will show you one of the most powerful website traffic generation tactic, article marketing.

Step 4 - Article Marketing.

Write articles and submit them to article directories.

This will boost up your website incoming links and raise your sites search engine ranking. Thus more traffic rushing into your site.

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Search Engine Optimization - Even Dummies Can Attract Targeted Website Traffic

Do you want to drive killer targeted website traffic without spending a single red dime?

If you answered yes, make sure to tap into the power of search engine optimization.

If you know how to optimize your site on the search engines, you are increasing your chance to get indexed by major search engines and get targeted website traffic in the process.

The goal is to get your site on the top 10 for multiple keyword searches.

Here are 3 power steps you can use starting today to promote your site using search engines...

Step 1 - Website Optimization.

Step 2 - Get Incoming Links.

Step 3 - Setup a Reciprocal Linking Campaign.

Lets get down into dirty detail as to how to apply search engine marketing to promote your website...

Step 1 - Website Optimization.

Make sure to optimize your site with relevant keywords in your niche.

Use your keywords in your domain name, title tags, meta tags, header tags and top and bottom portion of your website.

Donot abuse the use of keywords. If you do this multiple times you will be tagged as keyword spammer.

Just make sure to include your keywords 2% to 3% times in the content of your website.

Next step will show you how to get incoming links to your website which search engines really love.

Having more links pointing to your site will boost up your website traffic.

Step 2 - Get Incoming Links.

Work hard to get incoming links to your website.

Quality and quantity of your inbound links will determine search engine ranking of your website.

The easiest way to get started with getting tons of inbound links to your website is by using article marketing.

Write articles and distribute them to various article directories.

Next step will show you how to setup a reciprocal linking campaign to boost up your search engine ranking.

Step 3 - Setup a Reciprocal Linking Campaign.

This is a bit boring and time consuming task. But once you have few hundred link partners you will start receiving killer traffic to your website.

You have to be sure that your website is rich in content if you want other quality websites to link to your site.

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13 February 2008

Tips On How To Increase Your Google Page Rank

by: Steve Hill

Are you looking into the best ways to increase your Google page rank? If you are, this article will give you some free tips on how to achieve this. I hope you enjoy the read.

There are many webmasters who are looking into ways to increase traffic and on how to obtain a higher page rank for their websites. I myself have many websites which I am always looking to promote.


Pay per click is where you agree to pay a certain amount of money when people click on an advert that you have created. Programs such as adwords from the search engine Google allow you to place an advert on the right hand side of their search results. Which position you are placed in depends on how much you are willing to spend per click, it is like a kind of auction. Be careful not to spend more on the adverts than you are likely to receive in income. This can be very popular especially if your website is fairly new and is low down in the natural search results.

Paid text adverts

Paid text adverts is another way of attracting additional visitors to your website and it also has the potential of increasing your Google page rank. If the advert is on a high ranking page, this may well on its own lead you to moving up a level in your page rank. If the page is a high traffic page, part of this traffic could well be redirected to your website. I personally would only ever consider paying for a text advert on a website which was related to my own and which had a page rank of five or six.

Writing articles

I believe that the best way of promoting your website is by writing articles like the one you are reading. People reading the articles are potential visitors to your website, as you are able to include a link to your website in the article. Other webmasters are able to use the articles on their websites which creates you a one way backward link. Google are more likely to increase your page rank if you have a large number of backward links, especially one way links.

Link exchange program

As I have just stated, it is vitally important to spend time building up the number of backward links your website has. Joining a link exchange program can seriously reduce your workload, and people have told me that linkmetro is quite good.

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Reaching The Top of Page One In Google In As Little As One Week

by: Clinton Douglas IV

When you have the right information, climbing to the top of Google in a very short period of time is entirely within your reach. I am living proof. Two weeks ago, I launched my new website, and now I have multiple listings on page one of the Google search results.

An Empirical Truth

Scientists make their way in the world relying upon empirical truths. For those who are unaware, an empirical truth can be defined as, "verifiable or provable by means of repeatable observation or experiment."

In essence, if you can observe it once, then it is interesting. But, when you can repeat the experiment and achieve the same observations multiple times, then you have evidence of an empirical truth.

>From my own observations, what I am about to tell you is an empirical truth, because I have observed it happen again and again.

The Challenge In Exposing The Truth

Anytime someone writes about how to influence placement in the search engines, the writer faces a difficult choice.

In order to light the path of those who come after the writer, the writer must provide some kind of proof as to how the methods work and what kinds of results the writer was able to achieve using the methods.

Introducing The Quandary

In order to believe my story, many people want to see my keywords so they can personally verify my story by reviewing the Google search results. Although you may not be competing directly with my website and the keywords on which I rank, one can almost guarantee that my competitors may stumble over my tutorial at some point in the future.

In other words, if I told you that I was trying to rank for the keyword "cock-a-doodle-doo", then you (the reader) could validate my results. At the same time, my competitor might discover this article and decide to use my methods and my keywords to outrank my own website in the search engines.

This actually happened to one of my mentors. In a public discussion of these same methods, he had given a bone to the readers of the forum where he was participating in a discussion. Within eight weeks, two of his top competitors held the top two spots for his keyword phrase, and after a five-year run at number one in Google, he suddenly found himself sitting in the number three spot.

So, the question is how I tell my story in a way that will help you to also see the light, without giving away the light bulb...

Have A Little Faith In Those Who Are Looking Out For You

Some of you may choose to have faith in the story that I tell. Others will choose to deny my methods, on the principle that they cannot see my results for themselves.

All I ask is that you have a little faith in my story. Then run your own test. Your test will not require a major investment, but when you see your website climbing from nowhere to somewhere in the Google results, you will be glad that you took my story on a little bit of faith.

Some Background

One of my mentors, Bill Platt, has been telling me about these methods for years. But to be honest, the picture just was not clear in my brain, for longer than I would care to admit.

Now and again, I would read something by one of the Internet gurus, and they would tell that they used these methods themselves. When the really rich people on the Internet tell you something about how to perform well on the Internet, it has always been my position that you should listen. I listened; well, I mostly listened anyway.

I hooked up with Bill shortly after having been told the importance of article marketing. Bill seemed to have the answers concerning the article-marketing model, having been in the business himself for a number of years, through his website (http://www.thephantomwriters.com).

Bill always told me that writing articles was about generating traffic and sales from the placement of my articles in ezines. He had also told me that if I played the game right, I could even benefit the rankings of my website in the search engines.

I started using Bill's article distribution service to put my articles into circulation.

Bill had also advised that his clients, who get the greatest benefit from article marketing, use multiple systems to distribute their articles. He advised that Willie Crawford (http://www.gitofftheporch.com) was one of the Internet guru's who used more than one distribution service to put his articles into the wild.

Bill said that using more than one service was a good thing, because most article distribution services have their own unique reach, enabling the writer to get published in more ezines and on more websites. He emphasized that the goal should be to get as many people to your website as possible, using your articles as a method for introducing the reader to your website.

Beware Of Your Own Smartness

After using Bill's article distribution services for a few months, I had the privilege of reading John Reese's Traffic Secrets (http://www.trafficsecrets.com). John offered many useful tips for a successful online business, but one piece of advice he offered I implemented immediately.

John emphasized the importance of tracking our results. He said that in order to see what is successful, we must have a method in place to enable us to track where our traffic came from. Suddenly, I realized that although I knew that my website had been driving a lot of traffic, I had really no idea where that traffic was coming from or its cause.

Let me clarify that a bit. I knew that most of my traffic was coming from the large numbers of articles that I had distributed through Bill's service and the service of one of his competitors (http://www.isnare.com). But, I did not know which articles were generating the bulk of my traffic.

So, I followed John's advice and bought a software package designed to help me track my results (http://www.dynatracker.com). Then, I told Bill that from that day forward, we would need to use tracking URL's with all of the articles I distributed through his service.

Bill agreed that tracking was important, but he suggested that there are better ways to track results than the one I was proposing. I listened to John, but I did not fully listen to Bill's advice. Looking back, I kick myself daily for not listening to Bill in that one moment.

Tracking Your Article Results

Bill had always told me that using the Dyna Tracker was a good product for tracking my results, but it had an inherent problem. That problem is that I would be passing the search engine Link Value from my articles to my tracking software and not to the individual pages of my website.

If only I would have listened... I ran a full-year worth of articles with the Dyna Tracker links in my resource boxes. While Bill was telling me to dump the Dyna Tracker links, I was busy praising the value of the data I collected from the software.

One Test Blew My Mind

On one of my regular phone calls with Bill, I told him that I was launching a new website to complement what I was already doing. I asked Bill if he had any recommendations that he would give me on the new site.

Bill told me that I would not like his answer, but if I wanted to hear it, he would tell me.

I have to be honest, a knot formed in the pit of my stomach as I braced for his comments.

He told me that I should get back to basics. He told me that I already knew from experience that articles would help me to drive traffic to my website. I did know that. Bill recommended that I do two articles per week for twelve weeks. I have done that before, so I knew that I could get good results from that advice. He told me to use more than one article distribution service to put those articles in the wild. I followed that advice as well.

Then Bill got to the stomach punch. Bill told me to throw away my Dyna Tracker and provide direct URL links to my website. He also told me to keyword some of those links to my website, for the purpose of influencing my search placement for those keywords.

He told me to test the idea and to measure my results in just a few weeks. He told me if the methodology did not work for me, then I could start using my Dyna Tracker again.

He also suggested that I should use his Link Building system to develop 100 inbound links to my website, targeting the keywords that I felt would be important to my business. (http://www.linksandtraffic.com) I figured it was worth a try. Bill had never led me astray before, and I did not expect he was doing so then.

The Results

Within just a few weeks, I was getting a good amount of traffic to my new website. Strangely, I found that I was getting far more traffic from the search engines than I ever had before, yet the website was almost brand new! That just flew in the face of that sandbox theory we all hear about.

So, I started testing the keywords that Bill targeted in his linking job on my behalf. Wow. I found my brand new website sitting in the #12 spot in the Google search results on a two-word keyword that is actually pretty competitive. I also found the keywords we targeted in the campaign sitting in the #1, #1, and the #3 spot in the Google search results. I also found many page one results in the Yahoo search results as well.

Cock-a-doodle-doo! The light bulb went on, finally.

Then two weeks ago, I started another new campaign for my newest website. Within 24 hours of completing that website, I had distributed my first article promoting the website. Within 8 days of releasing that site to the public, I also had page one and page two listings for a wide range of keywords that I have so far targeted for my new website.

When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do

I mentioned three of my favorite teachers in this article: Bill Platt, Willy Crawford, and John Reese. I felt all three needed a mention, because all three have taught me things that have helped me to make money online. If you would like to learn from their expertise yourself, just Google their names.

The most important thing that I have learned since starting my website is that if I want to get rich online, I need to listen to those who are already making money online.

My hope is that you will listen to them too, so you can join us at the top.

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05 February 2008

Menikmati Hidup Dengan Internet Cepat

Ini sekedar pengalaman saja, betapa kita benar-benar dimudahkan oleh benda ajaib yang namanya internet. Apalagi kalau berkesempatan untuk menikmati internet berkecepatan tinggi. Sungguh berbeda di masa kuliah dulu, dimana internet masih dial-up. Saat itu seandainya kura-kura bisa masuk ke dalam jaringan telepon, ia pasti bisa bergerak lebih cepat daripada kecepatan data. Selain biaya pemakaian yang menggunakan hitungan jam, masih ditambah lagi dengan biaya pemakaian telepon, yang jauh lebih mahal.

Di masa kuliah di tahun 1998 dahulu (busyet, ketahuan banget zamannya), kalau mau mengunduh sebuah lagu MP3 yang berdurasi 4-5 menit, dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 45-60 menit. Bayangkan, menyetel satu lagu saja bisa sampai 12 kali berulang-ulang, baru lagu lainnya yang dalam antrian berhasil terunduh. Zaman dulu, berkas video pun berukuran 1 mega saja sudah ampun-ampun mengunduhnya. Itu pun ukuran dimensi videonya kecil sekali. Tapi yah, kalau dilihatnya pakai monitor beresolusi 800×600 sih masih kelihatan lumayan (dulu ya).

Sekarang dengan internet cepat yang muncul adalah pertanyaan baru. “Gila, gw abis ini download apa lagi?” Mengunduh komik terbitan DC dan Marvel setiap minggunya sudah nggak kerasa lagi. Lebih cepat mengunduh daripada membacanya. Belum lagi mengunduh film seri DivX beresolusi HDTV yang juga sudah menjadi kegiatan rutin setiap minggunya. Apa yang ditayangkan di US minggu lalu, pasti minggu ini sudah bisa diunduh dan dilihat. Menonton video YouTube atau Metacafe pun nggak perlu menunggu proses loading yang lama.

Kalau dengar lagu bagus di radio Prambors secara online atau dengar cuplikan lagu di Last FM, tinggal diingat nama artisnya, lalu berkelana deh ke forum-forum gelap untuk mencari MP3 lagunya (atau bahkan album terbarunya). Lalu kalau dulu banyak belajar ilmu baru dengan membaca blog atau artikel, kali ini yang dicari adalah liputan podcast, videocast, atau screencast-nya. Juga kalau tertarik dengan buku tertentu, bergerilya deh ke forum-forum, berharap bisa menemukan versi PDF atau CHM dari buku itu. Jadi ingat saat Harry Potter dulu terbit. Sehari setelah peluncuran resmi, PDF-nya dengan cepat sudah beredar kemana-mana.

Kalau Anda penggemar DVD film dewasa, daripada cari di Kota lalu kecewa karena isinya nggak sesuai dengan sampulnya, mendingan carinya ke forum atau blog tertentu. Baca komentar dari para pengunjung tentang film itu. Kalau mereka banyak memuji, barulah unduh film itu. Untuk Anda yang lebih bandel lagi, Anda juga bisa “menikmati” tontonan gratis dari webcam mesum dengan cukup lancar.

Segala hal yang disebutkan di atas memang bukan kegiatan yang legal (atau setidaknya masih di batas abu-abu kalau di Indonesia karena belum ada peraturannya). Namanya teknologi, penggunanya pasti tambah pintar. Selain pintar karena sudah semakin jago membuat blog, berbisnis online, juga semakin pintar untuk mendapatkan data berformat digital apapun itu bentuknya.

Tulisan ini bukan untuk melarang ya, karena secara pribadi saya pun melakukan semua kegiatan di atas. Makanya selain kebingungan mau mengunduh apa lagi, saya juga kebingungan karena cepat sekali hard disk saya penuh. Kalau Anda pengguna internet kecepatan tinggi, ayo mengaku, hal negatif apa saja yang sudah Anda lakukan selama ini?

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50 Signs You're (Typical?) Indonesian Blogger

We’re Indonesians, we’re supposed to be typical. No matter where we are in this world.

Here are 50 signs you are indeed a (typical?) Indonesian blogger:

1. You know who Enda Nasution, Budi Putra, and Ong Hock Chuan is.
2. You’ve considered at least one out of three bloggers mentioned in #1 is reputably charming. Even if you’re a guy.
3. Your main concern is the About page.
4. Hell with SEO. Hell with global warming. You know that getting traffic from Kaskus as invasive as possible is the only key towards *success*.
5. You shout out PERTAMAX! in almost everyone’s blog, because, you know lah, you’re one of the (361.000 and counting) mass.

6. The only good reason you’re using MyBlogLog is because you’ll have blonde babes with big boobs calling you.. Admirers.
7. Most of the times your cellphone’s beeping, it’s from Kronologger.
8. You act more professionally in your blog than how you are in your office. Office is for leisure, coffee, and crappy jokes.
9. When in doubt, use an emoticon. :D
10. You own a blog that looks like a Mangga Dua cellphone shop.
11. You huddle around, you don’t roam and explore in cyber solitude bliss. It’s the information age, it’s globality, high speed data from everywhere across the planet, but there you are: You’re like a slimy one-cell bacteria sliding closer towards the rest, creating a gooey lump of bacterias.
12. Warning. Aside from being a germ; huddling around activities may require self-defeating, inferior, and thoughtless statements.
13. When taking a bus, it’s not simply taking a bus; you’re actually doing a massive anthropological research article by observing the absentminded look of tired Jakartans around you. (For that matter, we salute you.)
14. Moments later, you realise you’ve taken the wrong bus, because you’ve mistakenly hopped in metromini bus route “PR 4″. It’s supposed to say P 52 or something.
15. You learn more about Indonesian natural sceneries and culture from foreign travel blogs, probably owned by a German or a Brit.
16. You’ve once tried to build a website that starts with the word “Planet..”.
17. You’ve taken pleasure in being an undercover conspiracy theorist. Every post have political tendencies in which all mysteries would be revealed on 2009 Presidential Election. And this post contains secret codes that can only be deciphered by the Freemasons.
18. You have ranted and rambled on Malaysia/Malaysians at least once in your blog. Even if you don’t really hate them that much.
19. You need traffic so badly, you’ve posted Bunga Citra Lestari pics or song lyrics on your blog. Sarah Azhari, if you’re really that desperate.
20. Not being able to adapt to the subtle competition and jealousy amongst bloggers, you end up creating your own “Blogger of The Week” or “Blogger of The Month” reviews on your blog.
21. People have been wondering why you’re taking photos of your own food. Indomie rebus, or maybe the kobokan with jeruk nipis in it would be interesting.
22. You’ve been getting compliments for the last 134th blog posts. Great. Now you’re going to comment on your own posts as someone else, because you desperately need someone who is tough, disagreeable, and yet genuinely provoked by your words.
23. You own and wear a “Good Guys” tee shirt.
24. There are so many (avatars of) babies and toddlers around, you’re thinking of installing a kiddy playground WP plugin. Or at least, design one.
25. You’re too proud for link exchanging. Eventhough you have tried sweet talking your way into it.
26. You suddenly have the ability to speak in Javanese accent or tones. Even if you’re not Javanese.
27. You’ve developed a fashion taste for black suits, buttoned down collar shirts, and tie. All neat and conservative. Orange crocs are considerable–but only for traffic.
28. You seem or sound like “anak alim” or “anak baik-baik”.
29. You have a degree in technology, and yet you sound like a car salesman. A very good one, that is.
30. You know you should’ve write shorter posts. Only insane bloggers write a list of 50 things.
31. You’ve agreed and supported whatever the steering committee have said. Even if you’ve anxiously wondered whether any of the “newfound voice” will make your blog sound stupid.
32. You know what the steering committee is, you can name each person consisted in it, and you’ve commented each of their blog posts.
33. Maylaffayza is the sexiest blogger alive.
34. ..Oh, she’s a violinist too!?
35. You’re either on your 30ies, 40ies, or older. If you’re on your twenties, you know you should’ve been in some mall right now.
36. You assume using one’s own name as a domain applies to celebrities and fan clubs only. E.g.: marisaduma.net (Sorry, I am simply too indecisive to choose catchy poetic titles for *d’oh* my own domain. Now where should I sign my autograph?)
37. The blogosphere suddenly reminds you of “ruang senat” back in the good old days.
38. You’re thinking of creating a new cult or religious sect, just because you want to build your own religion-based bloggers’ community. Call us up if you decide to worship Cheese and Coffee.
39. If you’re male, you’ve had experience blogging only wearing your sarung.
40. If you’re female, you’ve had experience blogging only wearing your daster.
41. Thirty years from now, the 27th of October would be the day when you will gather your grandchildren and tell them that you’ve taken part in making history.
42. You have.
43. You’ve been persuading your wive or your husband, your cousins, your colleagues, your high school buds, even your dog to blog. Or cats. Or that ikan koi swimming innocently in your typical Indonesian indoor pond.
44. You’re the first cowboy in your neighbourhood that greets your Pak RT with a “Howdy!”.
45. You attach a Technorati stat widget along with your Curriculum Vitae. (I’d do this.)
46. It took an hour just to push that “Post” or “Publish” button.
47. The only good reason you’ve secretly been reading Journal by The Lightbeamers, MD. is because you’ve always wanted to find bloggers mad (or honest?) enough to publish politically incorrect statements.
48. You’re reading this post.
49. You don’t laugh at the jokes.
50. Uh-oh. Do I see a big goofy Indonesian grin there? Hm! Awesomeness. Underpaid and overworked blogging suddenly has a meaning all over again.

Reality is (always) inadequate, but it’s the little things that count in life.
Hope everyone likes this typically overdramatized list, feel free to state whatever you agree or disagree with from the list so that all of us can learn and understand more.

Deep inside, I heart gooey lump of bacterias.

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04 February 2008

Trick Cari Kerja Di Singapura

Hari demi hari, saya melihat rasanya tambah banyak aja orang-orang India yang bekerja di Singapura. Pagi ini waktu berangkat naik bis ke kantor, dalam bis serasa ‘warung sate’ karena dipenuhi oleh orang-orang India yang juga akan pergi ke kantor. Hmmm.. kayaknya Singapura mulai dibombardir nih oleh tenaga ahli dari India. Terbersit dalam pikiran, kemana aja yah para tenaga ahli Indonesia ? Yah mungkin memang mereka tidak perlu untuk jauh-jauh kerja keluar dari Indonesia karena memang Indonesia tempat yang nikmat untuk bekerja bagi sebagian orang. Namun bagi yang sebenarnya punya skill dan ingin bekerja ke luar negeri termasuk Singapura mungkin juga mereka tidak tahu bagaimana caranya. Untuk itu lewat tulisan ini saya ingin sedikit berbagi cerita tentang caranya mencari kerja di Singapura sebagai tenaga ahli (skilled employee) dalam berbagai bidang baik IT, Sipil, Kimia, Banking dll.

Bagaimana cara mencari lowongan dan melamar kerja di Singapura ?

Mencari lowongan bisa didapatkan di jobsearch seperti http://www.jobsdb.com.sg, http://www.monster.com.sg atau http://www.jobstreet.com.sg dan masih banyak lagi jobsearch terdapat di internet.
Melamar bisa dilakukan lewat jobsearch dengan mengirimkan CV secara online atau mengirimkan CV ke agen/perusahaan yang membuka lowongan tersebut secara langsung. Pastikan bahwa agen/perusahaan yang membutuhkan karyawan tersebut benar-benar agen/perusahaan Singapura karena ada beberapa kasus penipuan mengatasnamakan agen/perusahaan di Indonesia yang membuka lowongan di internet untuk ditempatkan di Singapura tapi untuk penipuan saja.
Intinya, TIDAK PERNAH ada lowongan di Singapura yang memungut uang pada saat proses seleksi.

Bagaimana wawancaranya ?
Wawancara untuk tenaga kerja asing biasanya dilakukan lewat telepon. Untuk itu, perjelas keahlian anda di CV yang anda kirimkan sehingga kesempatan anda untuk diinterview lewat telepon semakin besar. Dan saya kira lowongan yang memang membutuhkan keahlian dan bukan penampilan, wawancara lewat telepon lebih dari cukup.

Bagaimana kalo agen/perusahaan tersebut memerlukan anda datang untuk wawancara ?
Ya mau ngga mau anda harus datang langsung. Sebelumnya bisa dicoba untuk negosiasi supaya biaya perjalanan anda dibiayai oleh agen/perusahaan yang mengundang anda untuk wawancara. Kalo gagal, bisa dicoba pergi lewat Batam supaya irit di transportasi dan fiskal (Rp 500rb kalo lewat Batam). Kalo anda banyak uang ya langsung terbang aja ke Singapura.

Bagaimana mendapat visa kerja setelah diterima ?
Harusnya, kalo memang agen/perusahaan yang menerima anda bekerja itu bonafid, maka semua urusan ijin kerja akan disponsori dan diurus oleh agen/perusahaan yang menerima anda.
Sekedar informasi prasyarat mendapatkan visa kerja dan klasifikasinya sesuai gaji bisa dilihat di website Kementrian Tenaga Kerja : http://www.mom.gov.sg

Apakah mudah mendapat ijin kerja ?
Memang kebanyakan lowongan di Singapura lebih diutamakan untuk Singaporean atau warga asing pemegang PR (Permanent Resident). Tapi percayalah selalu ada saja lowongan yang terbuka untuk non-Singaporean terutama untuk skill-skill yang tidak pasaran. Jadi musti sabar dan telaten dalam memilah lowongan kerja.

Bagaimana standar gaji di Singapura ?
Saya bukan ahlinya pergajian jadi silakan gunakan panduan gaji (salary guide 2007) berikut : http://www.kellyservices.com.sg

Bagaimana biaya hidup di Singapura ?
Biaya hidup pastinya tergantung gaya hidup.
Tapi bisa saya gambarkan living cost per bulan di Singapore secara garis besarnya sbb. (suami+istri+2 anak):

- sewa flat 2/3 kamar (apartemen tanpa security guard) = S$900-$1200
- sewa apartemen 2/3 kamar = S$1400-$2000
- sewa condo 2/3 kamar (apartemen+sport facilities) = S$2000-$3000
- sewa terrace house (rumah tanah) = S$2500-~
- sewa kamar (bujang) = S$300-~

- makan (sederhana) = S$800
- makan (mewah) = terserah :)
- listrik+air+gas+telpon+internet+transport (normal) = S$300
- sekolah 2 anak = S$200
- cicilan mobil (kalo perlu) = S$600-$800
- rekreasi (kalo perlu) = S$200

Berapa besar pajak yang harus dibayarkan ?
Pajak Singapura relatif tidak besar dibanding negara-negara lain termasuk Indonesia. Untuk $80ribu pertama, pajaknya $4300. Berikutnya 14% tapi tergantung level salary dan juga potongan-potongan seperti istri yang tidak bekerja, anak-anak, tanggungan laen dll. Detailnya ada di website Departemen Pajak Singapura : http://www.iras.gov.sg. Terima kasih buat Mas Joko yang udah ngingetin masalah perpajakan ini.

Bagaimana mencari kost atau kontrakan di Singapore ?
Cari kos kalo anda bujangan atau kontrakan kalo anda sudah berkeluarga ini sangat gampang karena banyak agen buat cari kos/kontrakan. Salah satunya adalah JTC yg detailnya pernah ditulis oleh mbak Hanny 'Sewa Rumah Dari JTC' dalam blognya. Makasih mbak link-nya.

Bisakah bekerja di Singapore tanpa keahlian profesional ?
Setahu saya, WNI yang bekerja di Singapore bukan profesional adalah pembantu rumah tangga (PRT) atau TKW, sang pahlawan devisa. Bagaimana dengan prianya ? Entah karena apa Singapore tidak menerima tenaga kerja pria non-skill. Sebagai contoh, untuk pekerja konstruksi (kuli bangunan) kebanyakan dari India, Pakistan atau Bangladesh. Isunya sih katanya karena tenaga kerja pria Indonesia pernah mempunyai track-record jelek di Singapore. Jadi ya harap maklum buat para pria yg ingin bekerja non-skill di Singapore kayaknya belom ada celah.

Habis itu ?
Traktir saya dong.. Hehehehe…

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